International education and research in wildlife tracking and ecology, bushcraft and human culture

Our Mission

Original Wisdom provides international education and research programs in wildlife tracking, ecology, bushcraft and human culture.

Our Mission at Original Wisdom is to:

  • Spend most of our time on-the-ground engaged in hands-on teaching and learning that will also awaken curiosity, confidence, and passion to learn more.
  • Participate in real research projects that contribute to ethical conservation.
  • Experience authentic interactions with people from other places and cultures. The best of these experiences will sustainably and mutually benefit our participants and the local people.
  • Inspire our participants to live more deliberately with themselves, each other, and the environment, and to consider the welfare of all of these things in their day-to-day choices.

Where we Accomplish our Mission:

  • Most of our programs run in Southern Africa and North America, but we can and do travel to lead other expeditions.
  • Online at!

How we Accomplish our Mission:

  • Wildlife Tracking Intensives
  • Original Wisdom “Bushcraft” Workshops (some people call these “Primitive Skills”)
    Curriculum Based Courses, eligible for academic credit, for schools, colleges, and universities
  • Nature Connection Programs
  • Online and Correspondence courses available at

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Brandon Willis Legacy Scholarship

One hundred percent of donations made in Brandon’s name are set aside to help provide for a high school or college student to travel to South Africa to participate in an Original Wisdom program. The student must have a strong passion for photography and/or wildlife tracking and be a part of a program or class that is learning about and working towards conservation. 

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