This page is for storing and sharing files from the (mostly peer-reviewed) literature on tracking that I used in my PhD dissertation, files include: Tracks and Signs identification and interpretation, Trailing, technology, mathematics and statistics, qualitative analyses and human dimensions, and behaviour. Literature on both Human and Wildlife tracking are included, as well as from the fields of ichnology, taphonomy, forensics, and more. I’ll be adding files here regularly. Please let me know if any of these papers should be behind a paywall. I downloaded most of them over many years through my university library, and they’ve been sitting on my computer, so I don’t remember which ones were open access and which ones weren’t. I will promptly remove any that shouldn’t be here. – Kersey Lawrence
- Ahlswede et al_2019_Formozov Malyshev Pereleshin formula to convert mammal spoor counts into density estimates
- Aing et al_2011_a Bayesian H O model for track surveys
- Alberta Canada_1999_methods of investigating predation of livestock
- Alcala-Galvan and Krausman_2012_diets of mule deer
- Alcalay et al_2014_Consequences of the instar stage for behavior in antlion
- Alexander et al_2005_snow_tracking_vs_radiotelemetry_predicting_wolf_relationships_Rocky_Mnts
- Alexander_2013_Principles of Animal Locomotion_book
- Alibhai et al_2017_Challenge of monitoring elusive large carnivores FIT_cougars_tracking
- Alibhai_et al_2008_FIT_White_Rhino
- Alldredge et al_1991_Birth and Fawn Bed Site Selection by Pronghorns in a Sagebrush-Steppe Community
- Allen et al_1996_Evaluation of 3 relative abundance indices for assessing dingo populations
- Allen et al_2014_puma communication
- Allen et al_2014_Puma communication behaviours Understanding functional use and variation
- Allen et al_2015_ Comparative Effects of Large Carnivores on the Acquisition of Carrion by Scavengers
- Allen et al_2015_The Role of Scent Marking in Mate Selection of female pumas
- Allen et al_2016_Scent marking in Sunda clouded leopards
- Allen et al_2017_the scent of your enemy is my friend
- Altmann_1974_Observational Study of Behavior
- anderson and medin_1969_Antler Morphometry in a Colorado Mule Deer Population
- Anderson_1998_sleep and sleeping sites for primates
- Ansell and Koenig_2011_CyberTracker an integral management tool Australia
- Anthony_1928_field book of north American mammals
- Aranda_2012_rastreo de mamiferos de mexico
- Armstrong et al_1983_Winter bed-site selection by white-tailed deer in central Ontario
- Aschemeier_2011_EavesdroppingOFWoodchucksAndEasternChipmunksOnHeterospecificAlarmCalls
- Astley_2020_Long Limbless Locomotors Over Land_The Mechanics and Biology of Elongate, Limbless Vertebrate Locomotion
- Atkeson and Marchinton_1982_Forehead Glands in White-Tailed Deer
- Aubry and Houston_1991_Distribution and status of the fisher in Washington
- Aubry and Jagger_2006_ImportanceOfObtainingVerifiableOccuranceDataOn ForestCarnivores
- Aubry and Lewis_2003_Extirpation and reintroduction of fishers
- Australian Air Training Corps_2001_basic visual tracking
- Azorit et al _2004_aging_SpRedDeer_tooth_growth_marks
- Balciauskas et al_2011_NORTHERN BIRCH MOUSE in Lithuania Tawny Owl Pellets
- BALESTRIERI et al_2005_Local feeding specialization of the red fox on eastern cottontail
- Balme_2009_Eval_Methods_Counting_Cryptic_Carnivores
- Barja et al_2004_importance of crossroads in faecal marking behaviour in wolves
- Barja_2005_Winter distribution of European pine marten scats in a protected area Spain
- Barnum_2007_Habitat, Highway Features, and Animal-Vehicle Collision Locations ad Indicators or Wildlife
- Barocas et al_2016_coastal latrines sites as social information otters
- Barocas et al_2016_latrine sites as social information hubs and drivers of river otter
- Barrett_1981_Environmental Characteristics and Functional Significance of Pronghorn Fawn Bedding
- Barrientos and Virgós_2006_Reduction of potential food interference in two sympatric carnivores
- Barry_Elbroch_et al_2018_pumas as ecosystem engineers
- Basu et al_2019_The locomotor kinematics and ground reaction forces of walking giraffes
- Basu et al_2019_The running kinematics of free-roaming giraffes
- Beauvais and Buskirk_1999_improved detectability snow trails surveys
- Becker et al_ 1998_A population estimator based on network sampling of tracks in the snow
- Becker_1991_a terrestrial furbearer estimator based on probability sampling_tracking_survey
- Beier_1996_PowerOfTrackSurveysToDetectChangesInCougarPops
- Belant et al_2016_Estimating lion abundance using N mixture models for social species
- Belant et al_2019_Track surveys do not provide accurate or precise lion density estimates in serengeti
- Bellis et all_2013_Utilizing a mutlti-technique multi taxa approach to monitoring wildlife passageways in southern vermont
- Benner and Bowyer_1988_Selection of Trees for Rubs by White-Tailed Deer in Maine
- Berg and Gese_2010_Relationship Between Fecal Pellet Counts and Snowshoe Hare Density in Western Wyoming
- Bernitz et al _2006_ATechToCaptureAnalyzeAndQuantifyAnteriorTeethRotationsForApplicationInCourtCasesInvolvingToothMarks
- Bertram and Gutmann_2009_Motions of the running horse and cheetah revisited
- Bertram and Gutmann_2009_Motions of the running horse and cheetah revisited
- Biancardi and Minetti_2012_Biomechanical determinants of transverse and rotary gallop in cursorial mammals
- Bider_1968_Animal Activity in Uncontrolled Terrestrial Communities as Determined by a Sand Transect
- Biesele and Barclay_2001_Ju hoan women’s tracking knowledge and its contribution to their husbands hunting success
- Birks et al_2005_are scat surveys reliable pine martens dist and pops
- Blackwell et al_2002_Rodent density indices from tracking tunnels, snap-traps and Fenn traps
- Blake_2002_a field computer for animal trackers
- Blaum et al_2008_indexing small mammalian carnivores in the so Kalahari SA
- Blecha et al_2015_GPS cluster analysis prediction of large carnivore feeding activities
- Bleich et al_1996_Thermal characteristics of montain lion dens
- Boast and Houser_2012_density of large predators on commercial farmland in Botswana
- Bodenhorn_1990_im not the great hunter my wife is
- Bodziak et al_2011_Significance of Outsole Wear Characteristics
- Bodziak_2008_tire tread and tire track evidence recovery
- Bonesi and Macdonald_2004_Evaluation of sign surveys as a way to estimate the relative abundance of American mink
- Bothma and LeRiche_1984_AspectsOfEcology_Behaviour_Leopard_Kalahari
- Bothma and LeRichie_1994_Range use by an adult male caracal in the southern Kalahari
- Bothma and Richie_1993_disturbance bias when tracking Kalahari leopards by spoor
- Boutros et al_2007_Characterisation of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx den sites and kitten
- Boydston_et_al_2006_Patterns of den occupation by the spotted hyaena
- Brodie and Brockelman_2009_Bed Site Selection Of Red Muntjac
- Brodie_2006_AnExperimentallyDeterminedPersistenceRateCorrectionFactorForScatBasedAbundanceIndices
- Brown et al_1996_CALIBRATION OF TUNNEL TRACKING RATES ship rats and mice
- Bruner_1910_tracks and tracking
- BSA_Burnham_1926_Scouting on 2 Continents
- BSA_Gilcraft_1927_training in tracking
- BSA_knotbook
- BSA_mapcompass
- Bulinski and McArthur_2000_Observer error in counts of macro pod scats
- Burton et al_2011_Evaluating persistence and its predictors in a West African carnivore community
- Cagnacci et al_2004_Habitat selection by the red fox in an Alpine area
- Cain and Wallace-TX parks and wildlife_deer aging by tooth wear
- Canon and Bryant_1997_Bed-Site Characteristics of Pronghorn Fawns
- Capaldo_1998_MethodsMarksAndModelsForInferringHominidAndCarnivoreBehavior
- carbone_2005_How Far Do Animals Go Determinants of Day Range in Mammals
- Carroll et al_1999_UsingPresenceAbsenceDataToBuildAndTestSpatialHabitatModelsForTheFisherInTheKlamathRegionUSA
- Carstensen_2013_Common Tracks of Southeast Alaska
- Cartmill et al_2002_Support polygons and symmetrical gaits in mammals
- cavallini_1994_Faeces count as an index of fox abundance
- Chame_2003_terrestrial mammal feces a morphometric summary and description
- Chen et al_1999_Winter bed-site selection by red deer and roe deer in China
- Chen et al_2018_Late Ediacaran trackways
- cheney_2013_comprehensive guide to tracking skills
- Chowdhury_1970_let us count our tigers
- Chowdhury_1972_tiger census in India
- Cilliers_1985_counterisurgency in Rhodesia
- clapham et al_2012_ Assessing the social function of chemical signalling in brown bears
- clapham et al_2013_The function of strategic tree selectivity in the chemical signalling of brown bears
- clapperton et al_1999_Responses of stoats to scent lures in tracking
- Clevenger and Purroy_1996_Sign surveys for estimating trend of a remnant brown bear pop no Spain
- Clutton-Brock and Sheldon_2010_Individuals and populations
- Clutton-Brock_1982_the functions of antlers
- CO Parks and WIldlife_2016_field investigation manual for mortality in mule deer
- Cooke et al_2017_troubling issues at the frontier of animal tracking for conservation and management
- Cornelisse et al_2013_tiger beetle paper
- Crête and Larivière_2003_est costs of locomotion in snow coyotes
- Crooks and Soule_1999_Mesopredator release and avifuanal extinctions in a fragmented system
- Crooks et al_2008_Exploratory use of track and camera surveys carnivores arizona
- Croose et al_2019_Comparing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of sampling methods Euro Pine Marten
- Crowley et al_2012_Role of demographic and environmental variables on the presence of snow tracks by river otters
- crowley et al_2012_role of demographic and environmental variables on the presence of snow tracks by river otters
- Cunningham_MS_Forensic Spoorology
- Cunningham_thesis_Forensic_Spoorology
- Curtis_1995_oa guide to animal tracking
- D’hondt_et al_2011_Scat analysis reveals a wide set of plant species to be potentially dispersed by foxes
- Dagg_1973_Gaits in mammals
- Daley et al_2016_Preferred gait and walk run transition speeds in ostriches
- Darden et al_2008_ latrines as communication networks in swift fox
- Davies_2014_sas tracking handbook
- Davison_2002_On_the_origin_of_faeces
- Day and Jayne_2007_Interspecific scaling of the morphology and posture of the limbs during the locomotion of cats
- Day et al_2016_Comparing direct and indirect methods to estimate detection rates and site use of otter
- deAngelo et al_2010_Traditional versus multivariate methods for id jaguar puma and large canid tracks
- Dearborn_1939_sections aid in identifying hair
- Delgado and Jacobs_2018_fox squirrel caching
- Delibes-Mateos et al_2008_Feeding responses of the red fox to different wild rabbit densities
- Dell’Arte et al_2007_Variation in the diet composition of the red fox to season and density of main prey
- Dematteo et al_2008_Behavior of Nontarget Species affects Scat Detection Dogs
- DEon_2001_using snow track surveys to determine deer winter distribution and habitat
- dePue and Ben-David_2010_River Otter Latrine Site Selection in Arid Habitats of Western Colorado
- Devetak and Arnet_l_2015_Preference of antlion and wormlion larvae for substrates
- DominguezRoderigo and Piqueras_2003_TheUseOfToothPitsToIdentifyCarnivoreTaxa
- Dor et al_2014_Foraging behaviour of wormlion
- Du plessis_2018_PhD_Gathering the Kalahari Tracking Landscapes in Motion
- Du_plessis_2010_MS_Tracking Knowledge Science Tracking and Technology
- Dubay and Batchelder_US border patrol workshop
- Duckworth_1998_estimating population densities of nocturnal forest mammals from transect counts of animals
- Dudley et al_1992_forest elephants rain forest fragment wildlife conservation Ghana
- Duffie et al_2019_Effectiveness and Accuracy of Track Tubes for Detecting Small Mammals
- DZIÇCIOLOWSKI_1976_est ungulate numbers in forest by track counts
- Dzieciolowski_1976_Estimating ungulate numbers in a forest by track counts
- Edwards et al_2000_an evaluation of 2 methods of assessing feral cat and dingo abundance in central Australia
- Elbroch and Kusler_2018_are pumas subordinate predators
- Elbroch and Wittmer_2012_table scraps
- Elbroch and Wittmer_2013_Effects of puma prey selection and specialization on less abundant prey in Patagonia
- Elbroch and Wittmer_2014_Do scavenging condors exact foraging costs on pumas in Patagonia_CT
- Elbroch et al_2011_ValueLimitationsChallengesOfEmployingLocalExpertsInConservationResearch
- Elbroch et al_2014_Puma killing vs eating_CT
- Elbroch et al_2015_CougarDenSiteSelectionInSouthernYellowstone
- Elbroch et al_2015_Pumas black bears and competition refuges_CT
- Elbroch et al_2015_RecolonizingWolvesInfluenceTheRealizedNicheCougars
- Elbroch et al_2017_benefiting from carrion provided by pumas
- Elbroch et al_2017_Importance of fieldwork over predictive modeling
- Ellison_2016_Determining Individuals from raccoon tracks
- Engeman and Evangilista_2007_Investigating the feasibility of a passive tracking index for monitoring wildlife in Omo
- Engeman et al_2001_monitoring changes in feral swine abundance and spatial distribution
- Engeman et al_2002_Plot placement when using a passive tracking index to simultaneously monitor multiple spp of animals
- Engeman_2005_Indexing principles and a widely applicable paradigm for indexing animal populations
- Eppley tr al_2016_Latrine behaviour as communicatory signal station in wild lemurs
- Ernest et al_2000_Molecular tracking of mountain lions genetic analysis using microsatellites and faecal DNA
- Evans et al_2009_Otter_Track_Surveys
- Evans et al_2018_Hourly Movement Decisions by Bears
- Evans_MS Thesis_2006_Observer_error_in_identifying_species_Tracking
- Ewer and Wemmer_1974_The Behaviour in Captivity of the African Civet
- Faith_2007_SourcesOfVariationInCarnivoreToothMarkFrequenciesInAModernSpottedHyenaDen
- Farrow_1881_mountain scouting handbook for officers and soldiers on thefrontiers
- Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Journal_FLETC_summer 2013
- Ferkin and Pierce_2007_Perspectives on over-marking is it good to be on top
- Fitzhugh and Gorenzel_1985_DesignAndAnalysisOfMountainLionTrackSurveys
- Fitzwater and Frank_1944_Leaf Nests of Gray Squirrel in Connecticut
- Flower et al_ 2014_Flexible alarm mimicry in drongos
- Foelix et al_2017_Sand transport and burrow construction in sparassid and lycosid spiders
- Ford et al_2009_ComparisonOfMethodsOfMonitoringWildlifeCrossingOnHighways
- foresman_1998_forest carnivores comparison survey methods
- Forman_2005_An assessment of the local impact of native predators on an established population of British water voles
- Freilich et al_1998_Importance of Observer Experience in Finding Desert Tortoises
- Froede and Jackson_2001_ Snow Leopard Manual Field Study Techniques for Nepal
- Fröhlich et al_2012_Complementing GPS cluster analysis with Activity Data for Studies of Leopard
- Funston et al_2010_substrate and species constraints on the use of track indices to estimate African large carnivore abundance
- Furman et al_2011_the use of fluorescent powdered pigments as a tracking technique for snakes
- Gaidet-Drapier_2006_CostAndEfficiencyOfLargeMammalurveys_Zim
- Gallant et al_2007_Unveiling the Limitations of Scat Surveys to Monitor Social Species A Case Study on River
- Gallant et al_2008_Evaluating bridge survey to detect river otter Lontra canadensis presence
- Gamberg and Atkinson_1988_Prey Hair and Bone Recovery in Ermine Scats
- Garcia et al_2010_Morphometrics of the tracks of Puma concolor Is it possible to differentiate the sexes using measurements from captive animals
- Garden et al_2007_multiple survey methods detect reptiles and mammals
- Garner et al_2010_ Surveys and Occurrence Probability Modeling for Wolverine
- Gaulke_Tracking Thesis_1998
- Geist and Walther_eds_1971_the behaviour of ungulates
- Giles and Vallandigham_ 1991_Height Estimation from Foot and Shoeprint Length
- Glen and Dickman_2003_Monitoring bait removal in vert pest control
- Godbois et al_2005_Effect of diet on mass loss of bobcat
- Godbois et al_2005_Effect of diet on mass loss of bobcat scat after exposure to field conditions
- goehring and morris_2014_cracks in mud and stone
- Golden et al_2009_Estimating wolverine pop size using quadrat sampling tracks in snow
- Goldman and Hu_2010_Wiggling Through the World_The mechanics of slithering locomotion depend on the surroundings
- Goldyn et al_2003_Habitat use and diet of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in an agricultural landscape in Poland
- Gompper et al_2006_Comparison_survey_techniques_carnivores_NE_NA
- Gore et al_1993_Tiger census the role of quantification
- Gosling and Roberts_2001_Scent marking in male mammals
- Gosling_1982_Reassessment of the Function of Scent Marking_in territories
- Gosselin_et al_2017_comparing morphological and molecular diet analysis
- Gossow and Schurhoz_1974_Social Aspects of Wallowing Behaviour in Red Deer Herds
- GOSZCZYNSKI_1990_patterns of scent marking in red fox_Poland
- Granatosky et al_2018_Inter stride variability triggers gait transitions in mammals and birds
- Granatosky et al_2019_Interstride variability triggers gait transitions in mammals and birds
- Graves et al_2011_Linking landscape characteristics to local grizzly bear abundance using multiple detection methods in a hierarchical model
- Gray_1946_the mechanism of locomotion in snakes
- Green and Mattson_2003_Tree rubbing by Yellowstone grizzly bears
- Grigione et al_1999_IDMountainLionbyTracks
- Gros_et_al_1996_Estimating carnivore densities for conservation purposes
- GROVENBURG et al_2010_Bed site selection by neonate deer in grassland habitats on the northern Great Plains
- Gruber et al _2007_ANewMethodForEstimatingVisitationRatesOfCrypticAnimalsViaRepeatedSurveysOfIndirectSign
- Gruber et al_2008_NewMethod_For_estimating_Visitation_Rates_Of_Cryptic_Carnivores
- Gryz et al_2008_The Small Mammals of Warsaw as Inferred from Tawny Owl Pellets
- Gu et al_2014_sex determination in Amur tigers using footprints in snow
- Guillera-Arroita et al_2011_Species occupancy modeling for detection data collected along a transect
- Gurarie_2008_Models and analysis of animal movements_DissertationFinalDraft
- Gusset and Burgener_2005_EstimatingLargerCarnivoreNumbersFromTrackCountsAndMeasurments
- Haglund_1966_Winter habits of lynx and wolverine as revealed by tracking in snow
- Halpin and Bissonette_1988_Influence of snow depth on prey availability and habitat use by red fox
- Hamilton_1982_Baboon sleeping site preferences and relationships to primate grouping patterns.
- Hansen and Jacobsen_1999_Identification of otter mink and polecat by DNA from faecal samples
- Harihar and Pandev_2012_Influence of connectivity prey and disturbance on tigers_terai arc
- Harkonen and Heikkila_1999_Use of pellet group counts density and habitat use of moose Finland
- Harmsen et al_2010_Scrape marking behavior of jaguars and pumas
- Harrington and Mech_1979_Wolf Howling and Its Role in Territory Maintenance
- Harrington et al_2007_DistinguishingMink&PolecatTracks
- Harrington et al_2009_AccuracyOfScatIDInMink
- Harrington_2008_Est_Relative_Abundance_Mink_Tracks
- Harris et al_1997_Mesocarnivores of Northern California
- Harrison et al_2002_A comparison of population survey techniques for swift foxes in New Mexico
- Harrow et al_2018_track plates detect new mexican jump mouse
- Hass_2001_PhD_Landscape fragmentation and connectivity for carnivores in the Upper San Pedro Basin
- Hass_2009_Competition and coexistence in sympatric bobcats and pumas
- Haynes_1983_AGuideForDifferentiatingMammalianCarnivoreTaxa
- Hayward et al_2002_MonitoringAmurTigerPops_SnowTrackSurveys
- Hayward et al_2005_Scats can reveal the presence and habitat use quokka
- Hebblewhite et all_2005_PredationRisk using RSF in wolf elk system
- Heglund and Taylor_1988_Speed and stride frequency and energy cost per stride how do they change with body size and gait
- Heinz_1977_Ethnobio of !X0 regarding antelope
- Heinz_1978_TheEthnoBiologyOfTheXoBushmen
- Heise-Pavlov et al_2012_scat counts for abundance and distribution estimations of Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo
- Helldin and Danielsson_2007_Changes in red fox Vulpes vulpes diet due to colonisation by
- Helm et al_2019_The Pleistocene fauna of the Cape revealed through ichnology
- Hemming_1969_Cemental Deposition and Tooth Succession and Horn Development as Criteria of Age in Dalls Sheep
- Henry_1977_The Use of Urine Marking in the Scavenging Behavior of the Red Fox
- Herzog_2007_UsingPatternsInTrackPlateFootprintsToIDIndivFishers
- Hildebrand and Hurley_1985_Energy of the oscillating legs of a fast‐moving cheetah etc
- Hildebrand_1959_motions of running cheetah and horse
- Hildebrand_1960_How animals run
- Hildebrand_1961_Further Studies on Locomotion of the Cheetah
- Hildebrand_1968_Symmetrical Gaits of Dogs in Relation to Body Build
- Hildebrand_1977_Analysis of Asymmetrical Gaits
- Hildebrand_1980_The Adaptive Significance of Tetrapod Gait Selection
- Hildebrand_1987_the mechanics of horse legs
- Hill_1998_the psychology of lost
- Hines_et_al_2010_Tigers on trails Occupancy modeling
- Hoffmeister and Mohr_1957_field book of Illinois mammals_reduced size
- Hooft et al. 2018 Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Hooper and Rea_2009_Orthotic casting foam as track-plate medium
- Hornocker_1969_winter territoriality in mountain lions
- Houser_et_al_2009_Spoor density measure cheetah density in Botswana
- Hu and Shelley_2012_slithering locomotion
- Hu et al_2009_The Mechanics of Slithering Locomotion
- Hudson et al_2012_High speed galloping in the cheetah and the racing greyhound
- Huner and Peter_2012_Fisher caching behavior with large carcass
- Hurth and Brokaw_2010_Visual Tracking and the Military Tracking Team
- Huskey_2017_The Skeleton Revealed
- Hutchinson and Waser_2007_Use misuse and extensions of ideal gas models of animal encounter
- Hutchinson et al_2006_The locomotor kinematics of Asian and African elephants
- Ijäs_2017_Fragments of the Hunt_PhD
- Imai et al_2018_ bird tracks from the Kitadani Formation Japan with 3D imaging techniques
- Ingersoll_1879_nests and eggs of American birds
- Jackson-Kelly et al_2013_Hualapai cultural resources
- Janecˇka et al_2008_Population monitoring of snow leopards using noninvasive collection of scat samples
- Jankowiak et al_2008_ Habitat Use Food and Poultry in the Diet of the Red Fox in Poland
- Jayne and Davis_1991_kinematics and performance capacity for the concertina locomotion of a snake Coluber constrictor
- Jayne_2020_What Defines Different Modes of Snake Locomotion
- Jeffress et al_2011_Factors Affecting Detectability of River Otters
- Jewel et al_2020_Monitoring rhinoceroses in Namibia’s private custodianship properties
- Jewell and Alibhai_2012_Id endangered spp from footprints
- Jewell et al_2001_FIT spoor technique black rhino
- Jewell et al_2016_Spotting cheetahs identifying individuals by their footprints copy
- Jhala et al_2011_Can the abundance of tigers be assessed from their signs
- Johnson and Aldred_1982_Mammalian prey digestibility by bobcats
- Johnson and Thomas_2015_Guidance for detecting hedgehogs using footprint tracking tunnels
- Johnson and Thomas_2016_Guidance for detecting hedgehogs using tracking tunnels
- johnson et al_1984_Differentiating mountain lion and bobcat scats
- Johnson_1931_Hibernation in Mammals
- Johnson_1973_Scent marking in mammals
- Johnson_1973_ScentMarkingInMammals
- Jones et al_2004_A review of potential techniques for identifying individual stoats visiting control or monitoring stations
- Jordan et al_2014_tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in African wild dogs
- Jordan et al_2014_Top marks from top dogs tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in African wild dogs
- Jordan_2011_Scent marking in wild banded mongooses
- Karanth et al_2004_tigersandtheirprey_predictingcarnivoredensitiesfromprey
- Karanth et al_2010_the shrinking ark
- Karanth et al_2011_monitoring carnivore pops at landscape scale_tiger occupancy from indirect sign
- Karanth_et_al_2003_Science deficiency in conservation practice the monitoring of tiger pops in India
- kearney_1986_tracking a blueprint for learning how
- Keeping et al_2019_Botswana wildlife losing ground_Kalahari
- Keeping_2014_Animal density and track counts understanding the nature of observations based on animal movements
- Keeping_2014_Rapid assessment of wildlife abundance
- Keeping_2018_can trackers count wildlife as well as aerial surveys and distance sampling
- kelly and Garton_1997_effects of rodent remains from carnivore scats
- Kendall et al_1992_Power of Sign Surveys to Monitor Population Trends
- kent and hill_2013_importance of farmland for cons of brown hyena
- KERLEY and Salkina_2007_UsingScentDogsToIDIndividualAmurTigersThruScat
- Kern and Radford_2013_Call of duty the watchman’s song in dwarf mongoose
- Khan and Goyal_1993_Fecal Pellet Measurements of Manipur Brow-Antlered Deer
- King and Edgar_1977_Techniques for trapping and tracking stoats
- King et al_2007_long term automated monitoring of dist small carnivores
- Kiseleva and Sorokin_2013_Study of the distribution of mustelids over the Southern Urals using noninvasive methods
- Kleiman_1974_Scent marking in the Binturong
- Kobrynczuk et al_2008_Polarization of Skull Shapes in Adult Lowland European Bison
- Kobrynczuk et al_2008_Sexual Dimorphism in Skulls of the Lowland European Bison
- Kohn and Wayne_1997_Facts from feces revisited
- Kojola et al_2014_Tracks in snow and population size estimation the wolf Canis lupus in Finland
- Kolbe et al_2007_EffectsOfSnowmobileTrailsOnCoyoteMovementsInLynxHomeRanges
- Kowalewski_2004_Metaphysical Tracking The Oldest Ecopsychology
- Krofel et al_2017_Human Infrastructure Shapes Scent Marking
- Krofel et al_2017_Human Infrastructure Shapes Scent Marking_Communication_Tracking
- Kurek_2015_Consumption of fleshy fruit
- Kusler et all_2017_Bed site selection cougars
- Lang and Gates_1985_Selection of Sites for Winter Night Beds by White-tailed Deer
- Lang_1989_tracce di animali_reduced
- Lanszki and Heltai_2011_Feeding habits of sympatric mustelids in an agricultural area of Hungary
- Lanzski et al_2006_Feeding habits and trophic niche overlap between golden jackal and red fox in the Pannonian ecoregion (Hungary)
- Lariviere_1999_reasons why predators cannot be inferred from nest remains
- Law et al_2013_Using shape and size to quantify variation in footprints for individual identification_white rhino
- Leach et al_1984_Standardised terminology for the description and analysis of equine locomotion
- Leberg et al_2004_recent_record_cougar_Louisiana_Diet_fecal_analysis
- Lendrum et al_2014_Home range characteristics of a cougar selection for refugia or hunt opportunity
- Leoniak et al_2012_LeastCostPaths for Fisher_CT
- Lewison et al_2001_Validation of a rigorous track classification technique to id individual mountain lions
- Li et al_2018_using footprints to identify and sex giant pandas
- Liebenberg et al 2021 Tracking Science-Citizen Science Theory
- Liebenberg et al_1999_Rhino Tracking with CT field computer
- Liebenberg et al_2016_Smartphone Icon UI trackers_Cit Sci_CT_Tracking copy
- Liebenberg_1990_theartoftrackingtheoriginofscience
- Liebenberg_2006_PersistenceHuntingByModernHunterGatherers
- Liebenberg_2008_TheRelevanceOfPersistenceHuntingToHumanEvolution
- Liebenberg-1990-Animal-Tracks-Field-Cards
- Liebenberg-1990-Field-Guide-Animal-Tracks
- Liebenberg-2013-The-Origin-of-Science
- Lieberman et al_2020_running in Tarahumara – Rarámuri – culture
- Lieberman et al_2020_running in Tarahumara – Rarámuri – culture_Appendix
- Lieberman_2007_TheEvolutionOfEnduranceRunningAndTheTyrannyOfEthnography
- Lim et al_2006_Dynamic Appearance Modeling for Human Tracking
- LINKIE et al_2006_Assessing the viability of tiger subpopulations in a fragmented landscape
- Linnel et al_1999_selection of bed sites by roe deer fawns in an boreal landscape
- Linnel et al_2007_evaluation of structured snow-track surveys to monitor Eurasian lynxs pops
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